Furtively Art Museum
- 关于偷偷摸摸美术馆
经过了大量细致的田野调查,人文思考以及艺术策划,她于2018年9月创立了偷偷摸摸美术馆。这是一个流动的美术馆,更是一个致力于关注空置空间改造成美术馆的艺术项目。 将一个个的艺术展览“偷偷摸摸”从一个空置空间移动到另外一个空置空间,像一朵朵鲜活而生命力顽强的野蛮生长的的花儿,绽放在各式各样的城市废墟里。
现任馆长:林苒 。美术馆馆长任期为12个展览,下一任馆长由理事会理事竞选产生。理事会结构为美术馆参与的艺术家,策展人,赞助人,为偷偷摸摸美术馆添砖加瓦有过贡献的所有朋友们都有资格参选本美术馆的馆长。
What can we do with a vacant apartment?
Vacant Housing
中国没有进行房屋大普查,空置率确切的数据并不能找到,对于中国的空置率各路人马说法明显不一。2015年5月腾讯发起的《2015 年5月全国城市住房市场调查报告》显示,中国主要城市的住房空置率整体水平在22%至26%之间。
There are quite a number of vacant apartments in urban areas in China nowadays. Lin Ran inquired about the housing prices in that residential area of Siming District and knew that the average price is between 60,000 to 90,000 (RMB) per square meters. Such a vacancy is undoubtedly a waste.
Vacant housing is a term in the real estate sector. Strictly speaking, it stands for a house(or apartment) that has not been sold one year after the completion.
China has not conducted a housing census yet, so it is difficult to confirm the exact data on vacancy rates. The National Urban Housing Market Survey Report of May 2015 initiated by Tencent shows that the housing vacancy rate in major cities in China is between 22% and 26%.
According to the international standard, the reasonable vacancy rate of commercial housing is between 5% and10%; and the risk vacancy rate is between 10% and 20%. When the vacancy rate exceeds 20%,that represent a severe housing backlog. We can draw that China's vacant housing rate is definitely high. For instance, for a city with 20 million population with a 20% housing vacancy rate, the number of vacant houses in total is 222,000, which would probably provide houses for 700,000 people.
The right to private property is inviolable. However, the inequality of resources distribution needs to be discussed.
What can we do with a vacant apartment?
Furtively Art Museum will be a mobile art space. We will move our exhibition space from one vacant apartment to another. Though we might be ejected because of some noises, Furtively Art Museum will show up at another blank house, keeping the exhibitions continue. Our exhibitions will be lively and full of vitality, just like the museum.
‘Furtively’ means a way that attempts to avoid others’ notice or attention, and it is written in Chinese as ‘偷偷摸摸’, which can dates back to Yuan Dynasty. However, as we know that most of the art exhibitions and art museums are for public visiting. How to strive a balance between public engagement and the privacy of vacant apartments must be very challenging and fascinating.
What can we do with a vacant apartment?