关于 桃花源
关于 时空
关于 梦想与信仰
如果,时间真的并不存在呢?是不是所有线性的一切都是虚妄?生老病死,盛极而衰,花开花落,昨日今天明朝也不复存在。这种不存在感,是不是会颠覆一切关于文明的认知? 而《桃花源记》里“山有小口,仿佛若有光。”这种描述更像是宇宙空间的虫洞,“洞极狭才通人,复行数十步,豁然开朗。” 这像是陶渊明在暗示我们从三维空间向四维五维空间进发的路径。沿着这条路径关于时间空间的想象,我创作了这一系列桃粉色的关于桃花源入口的综合材料绘画作品。这系列作品以浓烈的桃花粉红为主色调,似乎像是基于中国传统山水的意向而绘,又似乎此景并不来自人间。 这是一个我对桃花源平行宇宙空间入口的畅想,是我的多啦 a 梦时空门,也是一个乌托邦想象。这里的山或许不是山,是曲线,是分形几何,这里的水也不一定是水,是俄罗斯数学家沃罗诺伊的空间思想,是晶体,是水分子结构,是氧与氢,是芥子里或许藏着的须弥。它们似乎是层层叠叠的流水,似是植物,似是云烟,抽象且诗意,温柔,缱绻,旖旎,迷幻。但与传统“山水”概念相同的是我追寻的“道法”,天道、人道、世界观、梦想、信仰、归属感等诸多。
The Three-Body Problem opens with a hypothesis: "Does physics not exist?" Triggered panic suicides among scientists. But what if math doesn't exist? All our materialist systems of scientific knowledge are built on the basis of mathematics, the laws of the universe.
In January and February of 2023, during the rainy season, the glass door of my studio in Xiamen suddenly burst. Because it is tempered glass, it presents a stunning interrelationship of broken beauty, very futuristic. I observe its broken texture, a neural network that diffuses around in a cardinal point, a regular line connection between crystal fragments and a pattern that has been accidentally planned by some mysterious hand. It reminds me of the Voronoi space segmentation algorithm developed by Russian mathematician Georgy Fedoseevich Voronoi. He was inspired by Descartes' idea of dividing space by convex domains. It is widely used in many fields such as geometry, biology, crystallography, architecture, geography, meteorology, information systems and so on.
Voronoi figures come from the natural sculpture structure, and its repeated orderly arrangement appears to be a mystery under the natural order. From the microscopic cells in the skin of an onion to the shell of a jackfruit and the fur of a giraffe. These patterns are almost everywhere and form effective shapes.
Assuming that there are n points scattered on a plane, the Voronoi diagram for these points subdivides the plane into exactly n cells that encompass the portion of the plane closest to each point. This will result in a Mosaic that completely covers the plane. I plotted 100 or more random points and their corresponding Voronoi plots. Each point is contained in an "pixel" whose boundaries are exactly equidistant between two or more points. In other words, all the regions contained in the cell are closest to the point in the cell and not to any other point.
The Voronoi diagram completely subdivides the plane, so that all Spaces are used. Imagine squeezing as much as possible in a limited space, such as in muscle fibers or beehives. A Voronoi diagram is a spontaneous pattern where something grows at a uniform rate every time from different points. This explains why giraffes have this pattern in their stripes, dragonflies have this pattern in their wings, and jackfruit have this pattern in their skin.
The Chinese porcelain, the best crystallization of the wisdom of nature and human beings, also shows voroni graphic aesthetic characteristics in the process of firing due to the different expansion coefficients of the enamel matrix.
So I began to build my Voronoi world in a purely handmade, slow-motion way, a strange pattern that seems to be an abstract pattern presenting an optical illusion. I used the computer to generate random points to build Voronoi figures, landscapes, mountains and rivers and other graphics. I then color each cell based on the distance between the point in each cell and the randomly selected point in the box. It is an endless structural pattern. Some techniques of traditional Chinese southern Fujian lacquer line carving and wire enamel also help me to complete these series of works, so that they can have a unique presentation. During this period, I also used the Mosaic technique of German mathematician Dirichlet to make the crystals of copper sulfate chemical materials and special materials themselves continue to grow in the picture, maintaining a mysterious life force. In addition to carbon-based life, there are many other life forms that have been struggling to grow.
1- 觅园粉山 Pink Mountain.
2- 蓝水仙踪 Blue molecule
3- 绿野虫洞 Green Field and wormhole
4- 时间之船 Ship Of Time
粉山Pink Mountain
粉山系列Pink Mountain Series
粉山系列Pink Mountain Series
粉山系列Pink Mountain Series
桃花源作为一个理想社会的象征,在哲学和艺术创作中可以引发对人类意识、时间感知以及神经活动的思考。从神经科学角度来看,陶渊明所绘画的桃花源不仅仅是一个远离现实的幻境,更可以视作人的大脑神经系统对理想、和平、时间和空间的复杂解读与构建。 “时间是人的错觉”这一观点可以与神经学中的时间感知机制相对应。我们的大脑通过这种神经元的活动来感知时间的周期,然而这种感知实际上是高等的,取决于大脑对婴儿刺激的处理速度。在桃花源中,似乎不存在时间的概念,这与现代神经科学的某些研究不谋而合——某些状态下,比如在冥想、梦境或深度沉思,大脑的时间感会甚至消失。这可能是由于大脑中的某些神经网络,尤其是负责时间消耗的前额叶皮层和海马体的活动分开,从而产生“永恒”的感觉。 另一方面,桃花源的开头描述,如“山有小口,若有光”“洞极辨才通然,复朗实步,明开”,可以联想到神经科学中对意识转换的研究。模拟进入另一个“平行世界”的感觉,可以理解为大脑在某些条件下经历意识状态的转换,比如在幻觉、创意爆发或心理上的突破时,神经网络的重组带来了新的认知这些变化可能涉及额叶与顶叶的神经元重新连接,产生“豁然开朗”的顿悟感。从视觉神经科学的角度进行探讨,人类的皮层对分形模型、真实性和几何图形具有高度的敏感度、复杂性的分形几何结构能够激活大脑中特定的神经网络,带来视觉上的愉悦感和认知上的美感。这也是为什么抽象的艺术作品能够激发强烈的情感共鸣,能够调节视觉皮层、边缘系统等多个神经区域的参与,产生诗意和迷幻感觉的感受。
- The Three-Body Problem opens with a hypothesis: "Does physics not exist?" Triggered panic suicides among scientists. But what if math doesn't exist? All our materialist systems of scientific knowledge are built on the basis of mathematics, the laws of the universe.
In January and February of 2023, during the rainy season, the glass door of my studio in Xiamen suddenly burst. Because it is tempered glass, it presents a stunning interrelationship of broken beauty, very futuristic. I observe its broken texture, a neural network that diffuses around in a cardinal point, a regular line connection between crystal fragments and a pattern that has been accidentally planned by some mysterious hand. It reminds me of the Voronoi space segmentation algorithm developed by Russian mathematician Georgy Fedoseevich Voronoi. He was inspired by Descartes' idea of dividing space by convex domains. It is widely used in many fields such as geometry, biology, crystallography, architecture, geography, meteorology, information systems and so on.
Voronoi figures come from the natural sculpture structure, and its repeated orderly arrangement appears to be a mystery under the natural order. From the microscopic cells in the skin of an onion to the shell of a jackfruit and the fur of a giraffe. These patterns are almost everywhere and form effective shapes.
Assuming that there are n points scattered on a plane, the Voronoi diagram for these points subdivides the plane into exactly n cells that encompass the portion of the plane closest to each point. This will result in a Mosaic that completely covers the plane. I plotted 100 or more random points and their corresponding Voronoi plots. Each point is contained in an "pixel" whose boundaries are exactly equidistant between two or more points. In other words, all the regions contained in the cell are closest to the point in the cell and not to any other point.
The Voronoi diagram completely subdivides the plane, so that all Spaces are used. Imagine squeezing as much as possible in a limited space, such as in muscle fibers or beehives. A Voronoi diagram is a spontaneous pattern where something grows at a uniform rate every time from different points. This explains why giraffes have this pattern in their stripes, dragonflies have this pattern in their wings, and jackfruit have this pattern in their skin.
The Chinese porcelain, the best crystallization of the wisdom of nature and human beings, also shows voroni graphic aesthetic characteristics in the process of firing due to the different expansion coefficients of the enamel matrix.
So I began to build my Voronoi world in a purely handmade, slow-motion way, a strange pattern that seems to be an abstract pattern presenting an optical illusion. I used the computer to generate random points to build Voronoi figures, landscapes, mountains and rivers and other graphics. I then color each cell based on the distance between the point in each cell and the randomly selected point in the box. It is an endless structural pattern. Some techniques of traditional Chinese southern Fujian lacquer line carving and wire enamel also help me to complete these series of works, so that they can have a unique presentation. During this period, I also used the Mosaic technique of German mathematician Dirichlet to make the crystals of copper sulfate chemical materials and special materials themselves continue to grow in the picture, maintaining a mysterious life force. In addition to carbon-based life, there are many other life forms that have been struggling to grow. - ---LinRan
- 沃罗诺伊 - 赛博霓虹 1/2
- Cyber Neon 1/ 2
- 综合材料绘画
- 尺⼨:60x90 厘⽶
- 材料:布⾯,丙烯,树脂,硫酸铜结晶,矿物颜料
- 《沃罗诺伊 - 赛博霓虹 1/2》
- Mixed-media painting
- Size: 60x90cm
- Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
- "Voronoi -Cyber Neon1/ 2
《沃罗诺伊 -convid-19 1/2》
尺⼨:50x50 厘⽶
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《沃罗诺伊 -convid-19 1/2》
尺⼨:50x50 厘⽶
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
- 沃罗诺伊 - 柏拉图与洞⽳⾥的光
- Voronoi -Plato and the Light in the CaveMixed-media painting
- 材料:布⾯,丙烯,树脂,硫酸铜结晶,矿物颜料
- Size: 60x90 cm
- Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《沃罗诺伊 - 赛博荒原1》
Voronoi -The Cyberwasteland
尺⼨:50x50 厘⽶
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
"Voronoi -The Cyberwasteland"
《沃罗诺伊 - 赛博荒原2》
Voronoi -The Cyberwasteland
尺⼨:50x50 厘⽶
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
"Voronoi -The Cyberwasteland"
- The Three-Body Problem opens with a hypothesis: "Does physics not exist?" Triggered panic suicides among scientists. But what if math doesn't exist? All our materialist systems of scientific knowledge are built on the basis of mathematics, the laws of the universe.
《三体》的开篇提出⼀个假设:“物理学不存在了?”引发了科学家的恐慌⾃杀。 但,如果数学不存在了呢?我们所有的唯物主义科学知识体系都是建筑于数学这个宇宙规律的基础之上。
2023 年的一二⽉回南天春雨绵绵的季节,我厦⻔⼯作室的玻璃⻔突然爆裂。由于是钢化玻璃,它呈现⼀种惊⼈互相关系的破碎美,很有未来感。我仔细观察它的破碎纹理,以⼀个基点向四周弥散的神经⽹络,晶体碎块之间有规律的线条联系和⼀种因某种神秘之⼿偶然却规划好的图形。让我想到了俄罗斯数学家 Georgy Fedoseevich Voronoi 建⽴的沃罗诺伊空间分割算法。他的灵感来源于笛卡尔⽤凸域分割空间的思想。在⼏何学,⽣物学,晶体学,建筑学,地理学,⽓象学,信息系统等许多领域有⼴泛的应⽤。
假 设 有 n 个 点 分 散 在 ⼀ 个 平 ⾯ 上, 这 些 点 的Voronoi 图将平⾯细分为正好 n 个单元格,这些单元格包围了最接近每个点的平⾯部分。这将产⽣完全覆盖平⾯的镶嵌。我绘制了 100 个或更多随机点及其相应Voronoi 图。每个点都包含在⼀个“像元”中,该像元的边界在两个或多个点之间正好等距。换句话说,单元格中包含的所有区域都最靠近单元格中的点,⽽不是任何其他点。
Voronoi 图完全细分了平⾯,因此,所有空间都被使⽤。设想在有限的空间内尽可能多地挤压,例如在肌⾁纤维或蜂箱中。Voronoi 图是⼀种⾃发模式,每当某物从不同的点以均匀的增⻓率增⻓。这就解释了为什么⻓颈⿅的斑纹表现出这种模式,蜻蜓翅膀的纹路是这种样⼦,菠萝蜜的表皮都呈现出这样的模式。大自然与人类的智慧最好的结晶---中国瓷器,在烧造的过程中由于釉⾯胎体的膨胀系数不同⽽形成的⻳裂纹路也呈现出voroni 图形美学特征。
于是,我开始使⽤⼀种纯⼿⼯制作慢工的⽅式构建⾃⼰的沃罗诺伊世界,⼀种似是抽象图案呈现出视错觉的奇妙图形。我通过计算机来⽣成随机点来构建Voronoi 式的⼈物、景观、⼭⽔等图形。然后,我根据每个单元格的点与框中随机选择的点的距离对每个单元格进⾏着色。它是⼀种⽆穷⽆尽的结构性图形。而中国传统的闽南漆线雕和掐丝珐琅的一些工艺技术也给我一些技术上的启发让我完成这一系列的作品,使得他们能有一种独特的呈现方式。期间我也使⽤了德国数学家狄利克雷镶嵌技术,让硫酸铜化学材料的晶体和特殊材料⾃⼰在画⾯中持续⽣⻓,保持了一种神秘的生命之力。除了碳基生命,有很多其他生命形式也一直在努力地生长。
- 人物篇
《 沃罗诺伊 - 爱,死亡与晶体 》
Voronoi - Love, Death and Crystals
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 沃罗诺伊 - 鹿角女孩 》
Voronoi - The Antler Girls"
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 沃罗诺伊 - 神邸之箭 》
Voronoi - Arrow of God's Residence
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 《沃罗诺伊 - 弥散盖亚 》
Voronoi - diffuse Gaia
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 沃罗诺伊 - 眼药⽔和晶体 》
Voronoi - Eye drops and crystals
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 沃罗诺伊 - -亲密关系 1 》
Voronoi - -intimate relationship1
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 沃罗诺伊 - - 亲密关系 2 》
Voronoi - -intimate relationship1
Mixed-media painting
Size: 50x50 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 沃罗诺伊 - - 命运三女神 纺锤 》
Voronoi - The Three Goddesses of Fate The Spindle
Mixed-media painting
Size: 80x100 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 沃罗诺伊 - 命运三女神 剪刀》
Voronoi -The Three Goddesses of Fate, The Scissors"
Mixed-media painting
Size:80x100 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment
《 沃罗诺伊 - 命运三女神 尺子》
Voronoi -The Three Goddesses of Fate, The Scissors"
Mixed-media painting
Size:80x100 cm
Material: Cloth, acrylic, resin, copper sulfate crystals, mineral pigment