刀俎,鱼肉?这是对女性精神深层的探讨,究竟谁是刀俎,谁是鱼肉?质疑于自我,自省于自我。如何挣脱这对女性自我身份默认和验证的束缚?最终鱼肉也将成为刀俎。。。Video 《Fish》butcher, fish, This deeply discusses the woman spirit. Who is butcher and fish on earth? I am the one having the doubt and self-examination. How to get rid of acquiescence about woman’s self-identity and constraint of verification? Finally, fish will also become the butcher….《鱼》- FISH时长:PAL 3m02s彩色 有声 创作时间:2003年展览《在皮肤下》个展 厦门你好当代艺术馆 2009 中国巴黎国际超短片节 2008年法国德国柏林国际影像节入围 2005年 德国法国克来蒙国际艺术短片节入围 2005年法国
在 皮 肤 下
这是2007年底到2008年春天,林苒在巴黎解放广场place republic拍摄的一个短片。整个影片还是沿袭她惯用的逐帧动画和场景实拍非编剪辑的技术手法,和她惯用的诗情主义表达方式来创作的。
Text about《Sous La Peau》
During late 2007 to initial 2008, I shot a short video at place republic. As for the whole movie, the techniques of frame by frame animation, scene take and non-linear film editing are adopted and it is created with the way of poetic expression.
It deals with the exploration of self-ego and other’s boundary, doubt about private and public space and speculation about people, city and environment.
At the beginning of the movie, a psychological monologic sound, moaning: “I always, follow your footprint, search for boundary, need to look for the exit of your track, and entrance….”
The important element “telephone booth” in the movie is just like an opportunity. It is in private space environment in public space. It seems that there are two different fancy worlds inside and outside of transparent glass of telephone booth. It’s just like that these fantasies and realistic suspicion survives under skin. It is hard to touch but it could be perceived and emerge in front of you at all times.
时长: 4m04s
厦门你好当代艺术馆“在皮肤下”同名个展 2009
法国克莱蒙国际影像短片节独立艺术家邀请单元2009 福建省美术馆《点击未链接》当代艺术展2010
Exhibition solo< Sous La Peau > Galerie Art Contemporain Nihao Xiamen Chine 2009
Rouen State-run Art Museum “Out of Town” Multi-media Exhibition2007
Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival Independent Artist Invitation Unit 2009
Contemporary Art Exhibition《Click, Not Linked》of Fujian Art Gallery 2010
Cross Year Exhibition《Incubator》of Beijing Caochangdi Li Space 2010
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