He Yu : Gaia's Light
这是一个在偷偷摸摸美术馆中正大光明的展览。艺术家何雨2019年9月在偷偷摸摸美术馆空置房空间内实施的行为作品“盖娅之光”。在实施作品中用到的艺术家2017年版本的“无价之宝” 母乳蜡烛(此次展览中是策展人林苒的收藏版本)、和观众的互动构成。
艺术家何雨在身体上点燃自己初次做母亲的乳汁制作成的乳房形状的蜡烛。母乳蜡烛燃烧了3个小时的时长之中, 何雨鼓励观众走近自己,拿起自己手中的蜡烛或者可以被点燃照亮之物去接引盖娅之光的火苗, 并把接引的火苗从展厅之中延伸到自己所喜爱的任何空间之中去。 观众们亦可以在展厅的墙上写下准备接引火光所去的地方。
作品“盖娅之光” 的记录照片 (摄影: 周夏菲)
It's a fair exhibition in a furtive gallery. Artist He Yu's performance work "Gaia's Light" was implemented in September 2019, stealing the empty space of the gallery.
The artist's 2017 version of "Priceless Treasure" breast milk candle (in this exhibition is the collection version of curator Lin Ran) is used in the implementation of the work, and the interactive composition of the audience.
Artist He Yu lit a breast-shaped candle made from his first mother's milk on his body. The breast milk candle burns for three hours. He Yu encourages the audience to approach him, pick up the candle in his hand or something that can be lighted to catch the flame of Gaia's light, and extend the flame from the exhibition hall to any space he likes. Visitors can also write down on the wall of the exhibition hall where they are going to catch the fire.关于艺术家何雨:
生于四川,南京大学文学学士和新南威尔士大学商科硕士, 当代艺术创作者,创作领域涵盖行为、影像、摄影、表演及绘画。更多展览履历及作品信息,敬请浏览个人网站 www.artistheyu.com